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Игра Tales of Arise

Фото - Игра Namco Bandai Tales of Arise
Видео 10Фото 12
Ожидается в продаже
On the planet Dahna, reverence has always been given to Rena--the planet in the sky--as a land of the righteous and divine. Stories handed down for generations became truth and masked reality for the people of Dahna. For 300 years, Rena has ruled over Dahna, pillaging the planet of its resources and stripping people of their dignity and freedom. Our tale begins with two people, born on different worlds, each looking to change their fate and create a new future. Featuring a diverse cast of characters, intuitive and rewarding combat system, and a captivating story set in a lush world worth fighting for, Tales of Arise delivers a first-class JRPG experience.
в списокмои списки
Namco Bandai Tales of Arise
Role-playing (RPG)
Game engine
Unreal Engine 4
Перспектива игрока
Third person
Возрастные ограничения (USA)
Возрастные ограничения (EU)
Игровой режим
Single player
Windows PC
Xbox One
Xbox Series X|S
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 5
Дата релизу
Официальный сайт
Дата добавления на E-Katalog
январь 2025

On the planet Dahna, reverence has always been given to Rena--the planet in the sky--as a land of the righteous and divine. Stories handed down for generations became truth and masked reality for the people of Dahna. For 300 years, Rena has ruled over Dahna, pillaging the planet of its resources and stripping people of their dignity and freedom. Our tale begins with two people, born on different worlds, each looking to change their fate and create a new future. Featuring a diverse cast of characters, intuitive and rewarding combat system, and a captivating story set in a lush world worth fighting for, Tales of Arise delivers a first-class JRPG experience.

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