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Игра Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

Фото - Игра Capcom Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
Видео 22Фото 13
Ожидается в продаже
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite will feature a variety of exciting and accessible single player modes and rich multi-player content for new players and longtime fans alike. In addition to single player Arcade, Training and Mission modes, a visually stunning and immersive cinematic Story Mode will put players at the center of both universes as they battle for survival against a sinister new threat. Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite is being built to highlight a combination of iconic locations and fan favorite characters from both universes, including Captain Marvel and Iron Man from the Marvel side, and Ryu and Mega Man X from Capcom.
в списокмои списки
Capcom Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
Game engine
Unreal Engine 4
Перспектива игрока
Side view
Возрастные ограничения (USA)
Возрастные ограничения (EU)
Игровой режим
Single player
Science fiction
Windows PC
Xbox One
PlayStation 4
Дата релизу
Официальный сайт
Дата добавления на E-Katalog
март 2025

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite will feature a variety of exciting and accessible single player modes and rich multi-player content for new players and longtime fans alike. In addition to single player Arcade, Training and Mission modes, a visually stunning and immersive cinematic Story Mode will put players at the center of both universes as they battle for survival against a sinister new threat. Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite is being built to highlight a combination of iconic locations and fan favorite characters from both universes, including Captain Marvel and Iron Man from the Marvel side, and Ryu and Mega Man X from Capcom.

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